Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Soko Kijani ー Green Market (Day 16)

There is a small workshop in Ujamaa Center where I have interned since last week. They produce hand-made, fashionable bags and sandals that are decorated by beads.

The purpose of the workshop is to give skills for young people. The problems of youth around the area are that drub abuse and prostitution. In addition, Mombasa is existed in a costal area and the community people who live around costal area make their livelihood by farming and fishing, though those businesses are not so much profitable. To protect youth from those criminals and get skills to make them live by themselves, the workshop was planning to start.

Though they produce only sandals and bags these days, they produced a lot of products such as Christmas ornament, textiles, tables & chairs, carving, painting, and picture frame made by recycling paper when they started in 2008.

They transferred place for two times because of the landowner issue, and they have settled in smaller place than that of before, so they reduce the workshop size. Before transferring the current place, they hold 10 expertized people who have skills in each area, and those expertized people had their own group; however, the workshop has reduced only one group that produce bags and sandals now.

Their first priority is to renew the sawing machine. Currently, they use an old secondhand sawing machine, so some function is restricted. For example, it is impossible to use twisted thread to saw on the edge of the sandal. To improve the quality to compete big shoes companies, it is necessary for them to renew the sawing machine.

The second priority for them is to reach market. Currently, their target is tourist and local people; however, the tourist is decreasing because of terrorism. They need to expand the market to be profitable constantly.

The third priority is to change the order system. The deposit that is paid when they get order doesn’t cover the cost for production of sandals, so they have to borrow money to complete the products. After deliver the products, they get full amount. They need deposit that covers the cost for production.

TThe manager of the workshop said that he would like to compete big companies; however, I think they have advantage that appeals some markets, so it is not necessary to think about as same market as big companies.  For example, the products are handmade and very nice quality, and the object of the workshop is socially good. Also, their concept is very nice. the workshop’s other name is “Soko Kijani” that means green market. The reason why green market is that they sold the products that was made of recycled materials. For example, the sole of the sandal was made of a tire. Although the recycled materials stop using now because tire is sometimes too hard to walk, I think the concept of using recycled materials attracts some people. My feeling is to change the gear to the target who prefer the products.

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