Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Conference for Peace & Security (Day 21)

Today, there was sad news at Mpeketoni, Kenyan coastal town. According to this news and this news, at least 48 people were killed by terrorist. The theme of the forum that I participated today was related to this incident. The name of the forum is that “Annual National Peace & Security Conference”. This forum addresses the issue of radicalization in the view on Muslim and Christian perspective, legal policy, police, and youth development.

Since I haven’t so much talk about religious issues in Japan and the US, the comparative talk about Muslim and Christian perspective intrigues my interest. To understand the today’s incident and Kenyan coastal area’s community issues, understanding the religious issue is the key. One thing that I was impressed is that the lecturer said that understanding each religion is important to resolve conflict. For example, a Christian university provides a class that students can learn Arabic & Islamic.

The last presenter covered a wide range of Kenyan costal region problems. The problems of the youth who live in the Kenya’s costal region include unemployment, radicalization such as carrying out “physical jihad”, gang culture and crime. He mentioned that problems in those areas are multiple, so the multiple approaches are necessary.

To work in the area of advocacy and human rights in our organization, understanding of the demand of the Kenya’s costal region is key. This forum helps me to understand what the problem is in the region.

The below link is the article that is related to Islamic culture (Japanese) 

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